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Rilling Decoration

Bull’s Head Tavern (18BC139)
Privy (Feature 9)
c. 1800-1830

North Pearl Street (18BC162)
Privy (Feature 2-03)

Private Collection

Blue-glazed rilling or reeding on London-shape bowl-from 18BC139.

Baluster-form jug with orange-glazed rilled or reeded bands, Close-up detail of rilled or reeded bands shown on right.   Baluster-form jug with orange-glazed rilled or reeded bands, Close-up detail of rilled or reeded bands shown on right. Creamware pint mug with inlaid slip banding, Reeded or rilled bands & highlighted with glaze to which antimony or uranium oxide has been added to create yellow color, c. 1820. 5 inches in height - Private collection. Creamware pint mug with inlaid slip banding, Reeded or rilled bands & highlighted with glaze to which antimony or uranium oxide has been added to create yellow color, c. 1820. 5 inches in height - Private collection.

Blue-glazed rilling or reeding on London-shape bowl.


Baluster-form jug with orange-glazed
rilled or reeded bands.
Close-up detail of
rilled or reeded bands shown on right.
Creamware pint mug with inlaid slip
banding. Reeded or rilled bands & highlighted
with glaze to which antimony or uranium
oxide has been added to create yellow
color, c. 1820. 5 inches in height.

Copyright © 2002 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab

Updated:  10/31/16

Blue-glazed rilling or reeding on London-shape bowl-from 18BC139. Baluster-form jug with orange-glazed rilled or reeded bands, Close-up detail of rilled or reeded bands shown on right. Baluster-form jug with orange-glazed rilled or reeded bands, Close-up detail of rilled or reeded bands shown on right.