Metzler's Hotel Site (36FU0070) Harrisonville, Fulton County, Pennsylvania
This hotel was built in response to the 1817 completion of the Chambersburg-Bedford Turnpike,
and it appears that this context was buried by a mid-nineteenth century rear addition to the hotel.
This sherd, which appears to be from a jug or similar hollow
vessel, was found within a
mid-nineteenth century fill. The interior
of the vessel
was coated in white slip.
Photo courtesy of EAC/
Inc., Baltimore, Maryland.
Private Collection
This jug is decorated with a Chinoserie-
The interior of the jug is coated
with a
white slip. Jug height: 7 inches tall
This jug is decorated with a
style motif. 4¾ inches tall.
This sugarbowl is decorated with a
style motif. 4½ inches tall.
(lid missing)