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Coulbourn cord-marked mended rim sherds from Wessel, site 18CA21/579.    Coulbourn cord-marked mended rim sherds from Wessel, site 18CA21/578.

Cord-marked rim sherds. 
Wessel, 18CA21 /579 (left)
18CA21 /578 (right).

Coulbourn cord-marked rim sherd from Killens Pond site, Delaware.�Lot# 70-Close up view on right-Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.    Coulbourn cord-marked rim sherd from Killens Pond site, Delaware. Lot# 70-Close up view on right-Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.

Cord-marked rim sherd. Close up view on right.
Killens Pond site, Delaware.  Lot# 70.
Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums

Coulbourn cord-marked rim sherd from Wolfe Neck, site 7S-D-10/3-Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.

Cord-marked rim sherd.
Wolfe Neck, 7S-D-10/3.
Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums

Coulbourn body sherds from Wolfe Neck, site 7S-D-10/3-Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.

Body sherds 
Wolfe Neck, 7S-D-10 /3.
Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums


Coulbourn rim sherds from Haddock, site 18WO161/4.

Rim sherds.
Haddock, 18WO161 /4.

Coulbourn sherd cross-section from Haddock, site 18WO161/4.
Sherd cross-section.
Haddock, 18WO161 /4. 

Coulbourn rim sherd - exterior surface, from Wessel, site 18CA21/579.  Coulbourn rim sherd - interior surface, from Wessel, site 18CA21/579.

Rim sherd - exterior surface on left,  interior on right.
Wessel, 18CA21 /579.

Copyright � 2002 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab
Updated: 04/10/16