Click on each thumbnail to view image in larger format




Dry Brook

Image on left is a typical Dry Brook Fishtail
and the right image a typical Orient Fishtail.
This is for reference only - our website does not
distinguish the two varieties.



Middle Potomac River
Valley of Maryland
and Virginia

(Hranicky Collection)


(Geasey Collection)

(Evergreen Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Evergreen Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Heise Collection)
Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18FR28-87.029 Geasey Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18FR28-87.133 Geasey Collection - click on image to see larger view.
(Heise Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Geasey Collection)
(Geasey Collection)
Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18FR92-2.036 Geasey Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18PR159-15-0043. Click on image to view larger image. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18PRX187-1.0156-Image courtesy of the US Fish and Wildlife Service - click on image to see larger view. Fishtail, Webb Collection.
(Geasey Collection)


Image Courtesy of
the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service


Image Courtesy of
the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service

(Webb Collection)

Copyright © 2012 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab

Updated:  12/31/12

Thumbnail image of a Dry Brook Fishtail type point from the Middle Potomac River Valley of MD and VA (Hranicky Coll.) - click on image to see larger view.
Thumbnail image of a Orient Fishtail type point from 18FR28-87.141 Geasey Coll. - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18AN178-3 Evergreen Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18BA207-1 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18BA90-2 Evergreen Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image (1 of 2) of a Fishtail type point from 18CR114-1 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18CR114-1.2 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18CR123-1 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18CR138-1 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18CR79-1 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18CR79-1.2 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18CRX215-1 Heise Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from the Webb Collection - click on image to see larger view. Thumbnail image of a Fishtail type point from 18PR159-15-0043-Image courtesy of the US Fish and Wildlife Service - click on image to see larger view.