Click on each thumbnail to view image in larger format



(Evergreen Collection)
(Heise Collection)
(Heise Collection)
Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from the Geasey Collection 18FR28-87.065-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point (left edge broken) from the Geasey Collection 18FR93-1.087-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from the Lathroum Collection 1.030-click image to see larger view.
(Geasey Collection)

(Geasey Collection)
(left edge broken)
Lathroum Collection 1.030

Jacks Reef Pentagonal 18FR18.226. Jack's Reef Pentagonal 18TA3 note deep basal concavity. Jack's Reef Pentagonal-18TA3.
18FR18.226 18TA3
(note deep basal concavity)
Jacks Reef Pentagonal 18TA3.2 Jack's Reef Pentagonal-2-18TA3.2. Jack's Reef Pentagonal, Webb Collection.
18TA3.2 18TA3.2 (Webb Collection)

Copyright � 2012 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab
Updated: 12/31/12

Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from the Evergreen Collection 18BA154-2-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from the Heise Collection 18CR133-1-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from the Heise Collection 18CRX19-1-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from Site 18FR18.266-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point (note deep basal concavity) from Site 18TA3-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from Site 18TA3-2-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point (1 of 2) from Site 18TA3.2-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point (2 of 2) from Site 18TA3.2-2-click image to see larger view. Thumbnail of Jack's Reef Pentagonal point from the Webb Collection-click image to see larger view.