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This bottle seal was an isolated find from a beach in Calvert County - This bottle seal was produced by an Italian company formed at Marigliano called Fratelli Branca fu Carlo & Co.  In the early 20th century, a lawsuit was brought against this company by the Milan firm of Fratelli Branca, with the resolution that the Marigliano firm cease using their name to market their vermouth.

Site: 18CVx323-1 – Isolated Find

Date Range: Late 19th to Early 20th century

41 x 36 mm

Style: Commercial

This bottle seal was produced by an Italian company formed at Marigliano called Fratelli Branca fu Carlo & Co.  In the early 20th century, a lawsuit was brought against this company by the Milan firm of Fratelli Branca, with the resolution that the Marigliano firm cease using their name to market their vermouth.

Trust Laws and Unfair Competition
United States. Bureau of Corporations, Joseph Edward Davies,U.S. Government Printing Office, 1916.

This bottle seal was an isolated find from a beach in Calvert County.