Site: 18ST329/330
Fly/St. Inigoes House
Context: Lot 613, Unit 3, Level 1, Plowzone
Site Date Range: c. 1650-1750
Metal: Copper alloy
Dimensions: 0.88” (22.4 mm) wide, 1.14”
(29 mm) tall, 0.056” (1.4 mm) thick
“*SAN**CAR*B*” around an image of Saint Charles Borromeo
praying in front of a crucifix. The writing is probably an Italian abbreviation
of the Saint’s name.
An image of the Holy Spirit over five figures. This motif resembles
depictions of the Pentecost, or the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the
Apostles fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ (Holweck
1912). It could also be a depiction of the five Spanish saints canonized
in 1622. This group included St. Ignatious of Loyola, St. Teresa of
Avila, St. Francis Xavier, St. Phillip Neri, and St. Isidore (Silas
Hurry, personal communication 2009; 2009). The
inscription “ROMA” at the bottom indicates that the medal
was made in Rome, Italy (Deagan
Saint Charles Borromeo was a prominent Roman Catholic ecclesiastic of
the 16th-century. Among other offices, he served as Archbishop of Milan,
and Papal Secretary of State under Pius IV. He is considered the patron
saint of catechumens, catechists, bishops, clergy, seminarians, spiritual
directors, apple orchards, colic, and intestinal problems (
(Deagan 2002:44)
states that medals depicting Carlos Borromeo are associated with the
Benedictine devotion.
Courtesy Naval District Washington, Webster Field Annex.