The Paw Paw site (18AG144) is located along the
Potomac River in Allegany County, Maryland, within the C&O Canal
National Historical Park. It is situated on a high terrace at a
meander bend of the river across from the town of Paw Paw, West
Virginia. Prehistoric occupations appear to have focused at 18AG144
during the Middle and Late Woodland periods.
Archaeological Investigations
The Paw Paw site was located by Dennis Curry in
1983 during a Phase I archaeological reconnaissance in anticipation
of possible impacts by the MD Route 51 - Potomac River Bridge replacement
Phase II investigations included a controlled surface
collection, shovel test pits, and 27 1x1m test units within the
highway right-of-way. The controlled surface collection and shovel
test pits aided in establishing site limits. The meter square test
units uncovered three features: two oval pits and a portion of a
possible sheet midden. The ceramic assemblage suggests an early
Late Woodland period association for the site. The site has excellent
preservation of floral and faunal materials; the discovery of significant
features during Phase II testing indicates that other features such
as postmolds (indicative of structures), hearths, trash pits, storage
pits, burials, and a palisade might also be present. Findings at
Paw Paw suggest it is a significant archeological resource with
excellent research potential and is eligible for nomination to the
NRHP. Additional testing was recommended if avoidance was impossible
and the site was to be further impacted.
Archeobotanical Studies
Flotation samples and radiocarbon samples were
attained and analyzed by Mr. Steven Hurst at the Beltsville Agricultural
Research Center. Floral remains were recovered from all three features
encountered at the site. Seed data are reported for individual features
(13 knotweed seeds, 1 chenopodium seed, 1 sumac seed, 1 dock seed,
7 copperleaf seeds, and 3 miscellaneous seeds were recovered). Carbonized
corn kernels, nutshells, and ‘other’ botanical remains
are noted, although it is unclear which features produced these
plant materials. These data indicate potential for additional archeobotanical
Samples of charred plant material were submitted to the Smithsonian
Institution Environmental Research Center in Rockville, Maryland
for radiocarbon dating. Feature 1 and Feature 3 produced uncalibrated
radiocarbon dates of 1220 +/- 155 years BP: AD 730 (SI-6142) and
940 +/65 years BP: AD 1010 (SI6143). These dates place site occupation
at the end of the Middle Woodland and early Late Woodland periods.
Context |
Smithsonian Env Res
Lab No |
Measured Age |
Cal 2 sigma low |
Cal Median Probability |
Cal 2 sigma high |
Feature 1 |
SI 6142 |
1220 +/- 155 |
548 |
880 |
1153 |
Feature 3 |
SI 6143 |
940 +/- 65 |
986 |
1102 |
1223 |
Kavanagh, Maureen |
1984 |
Phase II Archeological Investigations at the
Paw Paw Site (18AG144), Allegany County, Maryland. MGS
Report Number 183. (Maryland Geological Survey) MHT # AG 7B. |