The Stearns site (18CV17) is a predominantly Late Woodland period oyster-shell
midden located on the east bank of the Patuxent River in Calvert County,
Maryland. The shell midden overlies
earlier prehistoric occupations at the site dating to the Early and Late Archaic
and Early and Middle Woodland periods.
Archaeological Investigations
The site was observed by Richard Stearns during his Patuxent River survey in the 1930s and 1940s. In 1980-1981, Laurie Steponaitis
catalogued Stearns’ collection and conducted her own surface collection of the
site as part of her survey of the Patuxent River drainage. Also in 1981, Wayne Clark and Mike
Smolek surface collected the southern portion of the site and walked the
adjacent shoreline, observing a pit feature eroding out of the bank. Pogue and Clark excavated the
remnants of the eroding pit feature in 1984, and Pogue conducted investigations
at the site in 1986, excavating thirty-one 2 x 2 meter units. Laurie Steponaitis conducted further
excavations in 1988. Steponaitis
proposed to investigate the Early Woodland component at the site, but found
mostly Late Woodland
material. She included
macro-botanical studies as part of her research.
Two radiocarbon dates have been obtained from the site: 650 BP +/-60
(Beta-48557) and 491 BP +/-125 (UGa-5581).
Archeobotanical Studies
Sixteen flotation samples were secured from three Late Woodland pit features
during the 1986 and 1988 excavations (Features 7, A, B). Sixteen soil samples totaling 90
liters were flotation-processed using a SMAP-type flotation system, producing
32.48 grams of carbonized plant macro-remains (an average of 0.361 grams per
liter of feature fill floted).
Feature A, a stratified refuse pit, produced the most varied assemblage from the
site. Samples from this feature
yielded shells from three types of nuts, a blueberry seed, and a few
miscellaneous seeds. In addition to
these wild plant remains, eight of the eleven samples from Feature A contained
fragments of either maize kernels or cupules, and one sample contained an entire
maize kernel. Wood charcoal from
Feature A produced an uncalibrated date of 491 +/- 60 BP: AD1441 (UGA 5581). An additional radiocarbon date (also
on wood charcoal) was obtained in the fall of 1991 from Beta Analytic, producing
an uncalibrated date of 650 +/- 60 BP: AD1300 (Beta 48557). Provenience records
for this sample are being sought.
Feature B was a concentration of carbonized plant material. A large quantity of wood charcoal was
contained in this feature; food plant remains were limited to two fragments of
hickory nutshell. Feature 7
contained proportionally more hickory shell than any other feature examined; it
also yielded a fragment of a maize kernel.
C. Margaret Scarry performed the archeobotanical analysis on the Stearns
site material.
Context |
UGA Lab No |
Measured Age |
Cal 2 Sigma Low |
Cal Median Probability |
Cal 2 Sigma High |
Pit A |
5581 |
491 +/- 125BP |
AD 1266 |
AD 1441 |
AD 1664
650 +/- 60 BP
AD 1272 |
AD 1344 |
AD 1413 |
| | |
Pogue, Dennis J. |
1987 |
Stearns Site (18CV17S) Excavation Summary. Manuscript on file,
Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum. |
Scarry, C. Margaret |
1991 |
Food Plant Remains from the Patterson and Stearns Sites on
the Patuxent River, Calvert County, Maryland. Manuscript on file,
Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum. |