
The Ladson site (18FR652) is a Middle Woodland period lithic scatter located at the base of a slope on an old alluvial terrace of the Monocacy River in Frederick County.

Archaeological Investigations

Phase I and II investigations conducted by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates along the proposed 10.19 km-long Monocacy Interceptor Sewer Line project corridor included testing of the Ladson site.

A shovel test pit recovered one large Selby Bay Lanceolate point (probably secondarily deposited) and exposed a burnt earth feature (Feature 1). Two 1m x 1m units were excavated over the feature; two unmodified flakes and a possible core were recovered from the plowzone. The feature was identified as the remains of a burned tree. The site was located at the base of a slope on an old alluvial terrace. The terrace was 40m wide and 3-4m above the river. It is possible that a prehistoric site exists upslope from where the artifacts were found; it is also possible that the artifacts are the remains of a site destroyed by the river. However, no such site has been recorded.

Archeobotanical Studies

A charcoal sample from Feature 1 was identified by Thomas Neumann as ash (Fraxinus spp.) Feature 1 is interpreted as the burned remains of an ash tree stump. It is likely that the feature is non-cultural in origin.


Neumann, Thomas W., and Michelle T. Moran
1990 Phase I and Phase II Archeological Investigation of the Monocacy Interceptor Sewer Line Project Corridor, Frederick County, Maryland. R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc.

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