Pleasant Prospect is a middle 18th to early 19th-century
domestic site in Prince George’s County. The site, part of
the Sprigg’s Request patent, represents the original location
of a plantation manor house and associated residential and farm
outbuildings that were occupied between the 1720s and the 1780s
or early 1790s by Richard Duckett, his family, and possibly his
employees and enslaved labor force.
Archaeological Investigations
Phase I testing at the Pleasant Prospect site in
2004 by the URS Corporation included 171 shovel test pits excavated
at 20 meter intervals with 10 meter interval retests (52 of which
were positive), which resulted in the recovery of 184 mid 18th through
early 19th-century artifacts.
Phase II evaluation (also by URS) followed immediately,
with a systematic surface collection and the excavation of 20 1x1
meter test units. Surface collection identified three distinct site
loci. Ceramic sherds found in Loci 1 and 3 spanned the period from
the mid 18th through the early 19th century. Artifacts recovered
from Locus 2 dated primarily to the late 18th to early 19th century.
Six historic features were identified within the site, including
a brick house foundation, a cellar, a second possible cellar or
structure base, and three pit features representing outbuildings
and/or refuse deposits. The site was recommended as National Historic
Register eligible based on these results.
Phase III data recovery was conducted by Greenhorne
& O’Mara in 2006. Field investigations included a controlled
surface collection, machine excavation of 34 trenches or blocks,
and hand-excavation of 42 cultural features. The larger features
appear to represent a series of time-transgressive structure locations,
likely including the home of the Duckett family, a kitchen, meat
house, wash house, and residential quarters that may also have had
secondary work-related functions. The controlled surface collection
and excavations yielded a large assemblage of artifacts, faunal
remains, and charred botanical remains which were processed and
Richard Duckett and Sprigg’s Request provide
a fascinating vignette of plantation life during the mid to late
18th century in Maryland. Research indicates that Duckett was engaged
in a market economy, apparently growing tobacco for sale. He used
the proceeds to participate to some extent in the new market-oriented
lifestyle with its emphasis on consumer consumption, most notably
by purchasing dishes, furniture, books, and wine, and partaking
in the tea ceremony, with all of its associated paraphernalia. However,
Duckett’s market orientation was limited; for example, he
did not build a grand Georgian-style manor house with associated
formal gardens. That task he left to his son, Isaac Duckett, who
repatented Sprigg’s Request and other properties as Pleasant
Prospect and constructed the nearby Georgian-style Pleasant Prospect
manor house.
Archeobotanical Studies
Data recovery efforts at Pleasant Prospect included
analysis of historic plant remains recovered through soil flotation
and hand-collection. Excavations at the site revealed domestic and
outbuilding structures and activity areas utilized during the 18th
century. Floral samples were processed and analyzed by Justine McKnight.
A total of 6 soil samples from 5 feature contexts
and 18 hand-collected carbon samples from 10 feature contexts were
selected for analyses. Flotation samples were processed using a
Flote-Tech flotation system equipped with 0.325 mm fine fraction
and 1.09 mm coarse fraction screens. Processing of 22 liters of
cultural fill produced 67.8 grams of carbonized plant material (an
average of 3.08 grams per liter of processed soil). A variety of
economically important cultivated and wild plant taxa were represented
in the flotation assemblage, including wood charcoal (dominated
by white oak), the agricultural staples maize and wheat, nutshell,
and weed seeds. Flotation samples also yielded non-carbonized seeds
from 17% of the analyzed samples. Carpetweed and chickweed were
identified, and were interpreted as being modern intrusions to the
archaeological record.
The hand-collected botanical remains totaled 18
samples (36.56 grams). White oak wood charcoal, bark, the remains
of orchard and wild tree fruits (peach and persimmon), and maize
and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were documented.
Crowl, Heather, Justine S. Patton, Jason P. Shellenhamer,
and Amy Barnes |
2004 |
Phase I and II Archeological Investigations
for the Pleasant Prospect Plantation Property, Prince
County, Maryland. URS Corporation, Inc. |
Kreisa, Paul, Jaqueline McDowell, Justine Woodard-McKnight, Matthew
Gill and Rebecca Kermes |
2008 |
Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery of Site
18PR705 at the Waterford Development, Prince
Maryland. Prepared by Greenhorne & O’Mara, Inc.,
for Washington Management & Development
Company, Inc., Landover. |