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Multi-Chambered Slip

Ruth Saloon (18BC79)
Privy (Feature R-5)
c. 1829-1837

Bull’s Head Tavern (18BC139)
Privy (Feature 9)
c. 1800-1830

Pearlware bowl, banding overlaid with common cable, green glazed herringbone rouletting-from 18BC79. Pearlware bowl, banding overlaid with common cable, green glazed herringbone rouletting-from 18BC79. Creamware mug,  common cable on orange slip, brown rim and base banding. 3.5” rim diameter, 3.5” vessel height. London-shape bowl with common cable against tan slipped ground-from 18BC139. London-shape bowl with common cable against tan slipped ground-from 18BC139.

Pearlware bowl, banding overlaid with
common cable, green glazed
herringbone rouletting.

Creamware mug,  common cable on orange
slip, brown rim and base banding.
3.5” rim diameter, 3.5” vessel height.

London-shape bowl with common
cable against tan slipped ground.

Reiff Site (18WA454)
Tenant Household

Federal Reserve (18BC27)

London-shape bowl with common cable against brown slipped background-from 18WA454. London-shape bowl with common cable against brown slipped background-from 18WA454. Privy (Feature 30)
Common cable on bowl on tan slip-from 18BC27-Privy-Feat.30.
Common cable on bowl with blue rouletted double circle pattern around the rim-from 18BC27. Common cable on bowl with blue rouletted double circle pattern around the rim-from 18BC27.

London-shape bowl with common cable
against brown slipped background.

Common cable on bowl.

Common cable on bowl with blue rouletted
double circle pattern around the rim.

Federal Reserve (18BC27)
Lot 129

Point Lookout (18ST61)

Cat's eye (multi-chambered slip) on London-shape bowl-from 18BC27-Lot129.

Cat's eye decorating rim of chamber pot-from18BC27-Lot129

Common cable on London-shaped bowl-from 18ST61. Common cable on London-shaped bowl-from 18ST61.

Cat's eye (multi-chambered slip) on
London-shape bowl.

Cat's eye decorating rim of chamber pot.

Common cable on London-shaped bowl.

All images below are from a private collection.


Detail of cable and cat's eye decoration - from a private collection.

Pearlware jug. Vessel shows three uses of  the three-chambered slip cup: cat's eye, cable and an unnamed motif where the 3 quills were separated and dragged on the pot surface, c. 1830. 9 inches in height - from a private collection. Mustard pot decorated with cat's eyes and green- glazed herringbone rouletting, 4 inches in height - from a private collection. Mustard pot decorated with cat's eyes and green- glazed herringbone rouletting, 4 inches in height - from a private collection.

Detail of cable and cat's eye decoration.

Pearlware jug. Vessel shows three uses of
the three-chambered slip cup: cat's eye,
cable and an unnamed motif where the 3
quills were separated and dragged on the
pot surface, c. 1830. 9 inches in height.


Mustard pot decorated with cat's eyes
and green-glazed herringbone rouletting.
4 inches in height.
Quart mug with slip banding, cat’s eyes, trailed-tri-color waves and green-glazed roulette bands,. c. 1820, 6 inches in height - from a private collection. Quart mug with slip banding, cat’s eyes, trailed-tri-color waves and green-glazed roulette bands,. c. 1820, 6 inches in height - from a private collection. Pearlware pint mug with cable decoration, 5 inches in height - from a private collection. Pearlware pint mug with cable decoration, 5 inches in height - from a private collection. Porter mug with cable decoration. The turned, molded base is seldom seen on 18th-century examples. Porter mugs are approxiamately as tall as they are wide, made for a specific type of dark beer,. 4 inches in height - from a private collection. Porter mug with cable decoration. The turned, molded base is seldom seen on 18th-century examples. Porter mugs are approxiamately as tall as they are wide, made for a specific type of dark beer,. 4 inches in height - from a private collection.
Quart mug with slip banding, cat’s eyes,
trailed-tri-color waves and green-glazed
roulette bands,. c. 1820. 6 inches in height.

Pearlware pint mug with cable decoration.
5 inches in height.



Porter mug with cable decoration. The
turned, molded base is seldom seen on
18th-century examples. Porter mugs are
approxiamately as tall as they are wide,
made for a specific type of dark beer.
4 inches in height.

Pearlware London-shape bowl. Dripped decoration, possibly created by a three- chambered slip cup with goose quills separated rather than drawn together as for cat's eyes, c. 1810. 8 inches in diameter - from a private collection. Pearlware London-shape bowl. Dripped decoration, possibly created by a three- chambered slip cup with goose quills separated rather than drawn together as for cat's eyes, c. 1810. 8 inches in diameter - from a private collection.
Example of slip dots combed horizontally in a wavy pattern. Rarely seen - from a private collection. Example of slip dots combed horizontally in a wavy pattern. Rarely seen - from a private collection. Barrel-form jug with vertical tri-colored "twigs" alternating with blue squiggles and green-glazed herringbone rouletting, c. 1810, 7 inches in height - from a private collection. Barrel-form jug with vertical tri-colored "twigs" alternating with blue squiggles and green-glazed herringbone rouletting, c. 1810, 7 inches in height - from a private collection.

Pearlware London-shape bowl. Dripped
decoration,possibly created by a three-
chambered slip cup with goose quills
separated rather than drawn together as for
cat's eyes, c. 1810.  8 inches in diameter.

Example of slip dots combed horizontally
in a wavy pattern. Rarely seen.



Barrel-form jug with vertical tri-colored
"twigs" alternating with blue squiggles.
Green-glazed herringbone rouletting,
c. 1810. 7 inches in height.

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Copyright © 2002 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab

Updated:  10/31/16

Ivory bodied refined white earthenware plate with Aesthetic central design from 18BC27, Federal Reserve - click image to see larger view.

Common cable on bowl on tan slip-from 18BC27-Privy-Feat.30. Cat's eye (multi-chambered slip) on London-shape bowl-from 18BC27-Lot129. Cat's eye decorating rim of chamber pot-from 18BC27-Lot129 Detail of cable and cat's eye decoration - from a private collection. Pearlware jug. Vessel shows three uses of  the three-chambered slip cup: cat's eye, cable and an unnamed motif where the 3 quills were separated and dragged on the pot surface, c. 1830. 9 inches in height - from a private collection. Creamware mug,  common cable on orange slip, brown rim and base banding. 3.5” rim diameter, 3.5” vessel height.