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Artisan's House (18AP13)
Cellar fill
c. 1780 - 1850

H & S Bakery (18BC32-2)
Test Trench

Bleak Hill, Cobridge, probably Peter & Francis Warburton, 1796-1801

Collected by George L. Miller in 1986
during construction work in Cobridge. 

Common shape bowl with marbleized decoration against orange slip (18AP13) - Late 18th-early 19th centuries. Pearlware saucer with marbleized variegated surface - from 18BC32.

Believed to be attributed to Peter
& Francis Warbuton.

White bodied earthenware London shape bowl with a marbleized variegated surface - from Bleak Hill, Cobridge, probably Peter & Francis Warburton, 1796-1801. Collected by George L. Miller in 1986 during construction work in Cobridge.  White bodied earthenware London shape bowl with a marbleized variegated surface - from Bleak Hill, Cobridge, probably Peter & Francis Warburton, 1796-1801. Collected by George L. Miller in 1986 during construction work in Cobridge. 

Common shape bowl with marbleized
decoration against orange slip.
Late 18th-early 19th centuries.

Pearlware saucer mended fragements with
marbleized variegated surface.

White bodied earthenware London shape
bowl  with a marbleized variegated surface.

Private Collection

Teapot with combed marbled decoration and green-glazed rilling or reeding. 5.5 inches in height - from a private collection.

Detail of marbled surface- from a private collection.

Tea canister with inlaid or surface agate and inlaid checkered rouletting. 5.5 inches in height - from a private collection. Tea canister with inlaid or surface agate and inlaid checkered rouletting. 5.5 inches in height - from a private collection.

Teapot with combed marbled decoration
and green-glazed rilling or reeding.
5.5 inches in height.


Detail of marbled surface

Tea canister with inlaid or surface agate
and inlaid checkered rouletting.

5.5 inches in height.

Surface agate on teapot, engine turned surface - from a private collection. Surface agate on teapot, engine turned surface - from a private collection. Pearlware bough pot with encrusted bits of adhered and glazed clay. c. 1800, 7 inch width - from a private collection. Pearlware bough pot with encrusted bits of adhered and glazed clay. c. 1800, 7 inch width - from a private collection. Detail from encrusted jug - c. 1790. This treatment has been called "encrusted ware" by Donald Towner in The Leeds Pottery (1963:47) - from a private collection. Detail from encrusted jug - c. 1790. This treatment has been called "encrusted ware" by Donald Towner in The Leeds Pottery (1963:47) - from a private collection.

Surface agate on teapot, engine
turned surface.


Pearlware bough pot with encrusted bits
of adhered and glazed clay. c. 1800,
7 inch width.

Detail from encrusted jug - c. 1790.
This treatment has been called "encrusted
ware" by Donald Towner in The
Leeds Pottery

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Copyright © 2002 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab
Updated:  10/31/16

Whiteware banded bowl with offset floral decoration - from 18BC27. Pearlware quart mug with trailed slip decoration. Attributed to Enoch Wood & Sons, Staffordshire, c. 1830. 6 inches in height - from a private collection. Detail from London shape bowl with trailed slip. Tulip decoration is common to many types of slipware, but rare on dipped wares - from a private collection. Common shape bowl with marbleized decoration against orange slip (18AP13) - Late 18th-early 19th centuries. Pearlware saucer with marbleized variegated surface - from 18BC32. Teapot with combed marbled decoration and green-glazed rilling or reeding. 5.5 inches in height - from a private collection. Detail of marbled surface- from a private collection.