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Bone handled toothbrush stamped “Warranted” on the reverse. Elongated hexagonal handle. Privy 5, filled between 1829-1837. 18BC79
Bone handled toothbrush stamped “Warranted” on the reverse. Elongated hexagonal handle. Privy 5, filled between 1829-1837. 18BC79

Bone handled toothbrush stamped “Warranted” on the reverse. Elongated hexagonal handle. Privy 5, filled between 1829-1837. 18BC79

Site: 18BC79 Ruth Saloon

Context: Privy 5, filled between 1829-1837

Mean Date Range: 1839-1848

Date Range based on type: ca. 1820-1864 

Mattick (2010) Type: Virginia type

Description: Bone handled toothbrush stamped “Warranted” on the reverse.


Bristle Attachment:

Stock shape: Not applicable

Handle: Elongated hexagonal.