The Holland Point site (18DO220) in Dorchester
County, Maryland is located within the Choptank River drainage on
the eastern side of Taylors Island, near the mouth of Slaughter
Creek. Slaughter Creek is tidal at Holland Point, and the point
consists of marsh wetlands. The site is rapidly eroding, and a portion
of it lies buried beneath the saltmarsh.
The site has archaeological components dating from
the Early Archaic through the Late Woodland periods, and includes
a once-extensive Middle and Late Woodland period shell midden.
Archaeological Investigations
Darrin Lowery initially recorded the Holland Point
site in 1995 as part of an archaeological survey of the Little Choptank
drainage basin. Lowery collected a variety of artifacts, including
6 Late Woodland triangular points (5 jasper, 1 chert), 1 quartz
Late Archaic stemmed point, 2 fragments of Wolfe Neck pottery, 21
fragments of Townsend pottery, 3 deer bone fragments, 1 turtle shell
fragment, 12 jasper flakes and flakes tools, 15 chert flakes and
flake tools, 6 quartz/quartzite flakes, and 2 siltstone flakes.
The property owner also collected a steatite platform pipe (with
incised fish on the stem), 2 gorgets, numerous Middle Archaic through
Late Woodland projectile points, a bone awl, and numerous fragments
of ceramics. Rhyolite and argillite have also been found at the
site. The presence of intact worked bone indicates the considerable
information potential of 18DO220, though the site is eroding rapidly.
The 1877 Lake, Griffing, & Stevenson Atlas depicts a shipyard
on this point, which may have eroded away. Indeed, the point is
still eroding today. The Holland Point Farm house may also have
been the residence of W.J. Lambden during the late 19th century.
The Holland Point site was further investigated
in 2000 as part of a Maryland Historical Trust grant-funded project
undertaken by Darrin Lowery and R. Michael Stewart and administered
through Temple University’s Department of Anthropology. The
fieldwork consisted of (1) a controlled shoreline collection, (2)
a pedestrian survey of three nearby plowed fields, (3) the subsurface
testing of the site in the saltmarsh, and (4) augering across the
saltmarsh to determine the nature and extent of a buried shell midden.
The Holland Point site includes both the shell midden area and the
nearby tilled fields. However, this large area is not one continuous
concentration of cultural material.
The bulk of the subsurface testing was focused
on the excavation of seven 1-by-1 meter test units. A systematic
controlled surface collection of the shoreline adjacent to and beyond
the in situ archaeological deposits was conducted. Three tilled
fields west of the shell midden were surface collected and mapped.
Recovered diagnostic artifacts included Bare Island, Fishtail, Fox
Creek, Jack’s Reef, Susquehanna, and triangular points, and
Dame’s Quarter, Hell Island, Minguannan, Rappahannock/Townsend,
and Wolfe Neck ceramics. Macroscopic/microscopic lithic analysis
and oyster shell analysis was conducted by the Artifact Research
Center in Hackettstown, New Jersey.
An evaluation of the cultural and natural stratigraphy
in the saltmarsh portion of the site revealed two distinct analytical
contexts. One consisted of the shell midden deposit, which dates
to the Late Woodland period. The second analytical context consisted
of archaeological deposits below the shell midden. This sub-midden
dates from the Late Archaic through Late Woodland periods, but cannot
be accurately divided into more refined temporal units. Several
features at the site were investigated to varying degrees. One was
a Middle Woodland Native American burial.
Archeobotanical Studies
As part of the 2000 investigations, soil samples
of unknown volume were processed from four cultural contexts: Stratum
I and Sand Overwash, Stratum II (Late Woodland shell midden), Strata
III and IV (contexts spanning Late Archaic through Late Woodland
occupations), and Test Unit 4. Flotation samples were processed
by the Artifact Research Center and the light fraction portions
of the samples were submitted to Justine McKnight for analysis.
Identifiable plant remains from Stratum 1 and the
Sand Overwash area were limited to carbonized poke seeds (2) and
non-carbonized (modern) seeds. The Late Woodland shell midden (Stratum
II) yielded wood charcoal (pine and oak were identified), abundant
hickory and walnut nutshell (52 fragments), 11 carbonized seeds
(pigweed, holly, knotweed, and grass), and non-carbonized seed remains.
Floral remains from Strata III and IV included pine wood charcoal,
nutshell (104 fragments -- hickory and acorn), carbonized seeds
(8 -- holly and knotweed were identified), and non-carbonized seeds.
Flotation samples from Test Unit 4 yielded scant wood charcoal (1
fragment), small quantities of hickory nutshell (7 fragments), and
non-carbonized seed.
The floral assemblage from the Holland Point site
provides data from an understudied area of the Delmarva Peninsula,
and includes samples from contexts spanning the Late Archaic through
Late Woodland periods. The assemblage documents the importance of
native mast resources – especially hickory – throughout
all periods of occupation, and possibly the use of deciduous seeds
(holly) and small grains (pigweed, knotweed). The absence of volumetric
information and heavy fraction remains limits the usefulness of
the data.
Two radiocarbon dates from the Late Woodland period
shell midden are directly associated with recovered archeobotanical
Context |
Beta No |
C-13 Adj Age |
Cal 2 sigma low |
Cal Median Probability |
Cal 2 sigma high |
Shell Midden |
159984 |
810 +/- 40 bp |
AD 1160 |
AD 1228 |
AD 1277 |
Shell Midden |
159985 |
770 +/- 40 bp |
AD 1186 |
AD 1249 |
AD 1289 |
Lowery, Darrin L. |
1995 |
An Archaeological Survey of the Little Choptank
River Watershed, Dorchester County, Maryland.
MD, Maryland Historical Trust. |
Walker, Jesse O. |
2003 |
Archaeological Investigations of the Holland
Point Site (18DO220). Dorchester County, Maryland. M.A.
thesis, Temple University. |