Sites in the Collection

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  • Higgins (18AN489)
    The Higgins Site (18AN489) is a multi-component prehistoric site located near the Baltimore-Washington International Airport in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
  • Indian Creek (18PR94)
    The Indian Creek V Site (18PR94) in Prince George’s County, Maryland is a seasonal Native American resource gathering site dating to the Archaic Period.
  • Beehive (18HO206)
    The Beehive Site (18HO206) is a stratified, Late Archaic quarry-related extraction site in Howard County, Maryland.
  • Kettering (18PR174)
    The Kettering Park Site (18PR174) is a stratified, Native American occupation that spans the Early Archaic through the Late Woodland Periods in Prince Georges County, Maryland.
  • Nassawango (18WO23)
    The Nassawango Creek Site, 18WO23, is a multi-component prehistoric site in Worcester County, Maryland.
  • Otter II (18CV272)
    The Otter II Site (18CV272) is a single component, Middle Woodland Period Native American occupation dating between 200 AD and 900 AD, located on the eastern bank of the Patuxent River in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Friendsville (18GA23)
    The Friendsville Site (18GA23) is a large Late Woodland village, dating between 1000 and 1200 AD, located on the western bank of the Youghiogheny River in Garrett County, Maryland.
  • Biggs Ford (18FR14)
    The Biggs Ford Site (18FR14) is a large, well-preserved, multi-component Native American village site located on the Monocacy River in Frederick County, Maryland.
  • Hughes (18MO01)
    The Hughes Site (18MO1) is a Late Woodland village located on the north bank of the Potomac River in Montgomery County, Maryland. between 1400 and 1500 A.D.
  • Cumberland (18CV171)
    The Cumberland Site is a palisaded Late Woodland village located on the Patuxent River in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Compton (18CV279)
    The Compton Site (18CV279) is a mid-17th-century tobacco plantation located near the mouth of the Patuxent River at Solomons in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Patuxent Point (18CV271)
    The Patuxent Point Site (18CV271) was the domestic core of an approximately 100-acre tobacco plantation occupied from c.1658 through the 1690s in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Kings Reach (18CV83)
    King’s Reach (18CV83), part of the Richard Smith Jr. Plantation, is a tobacco plantation homelot site occupied from 1690 until 1711 in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Kings Reach Quarter (18CV84)
    The King’s Reach Quarter Site (18CV84) consists of two earthfast structures and a fence line associated with the Richard Smith, Jr. Plantation, now part of the Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum (JPPM) in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Smiths St. Leonard (18CV91)
    The Smith’s St. Leonard Site (18CV91) was the homelot of a tobacco plantation occupied during the first half of the 18th century in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Oxon Hill (18PR175)
    Oxon Hill Manor (18PR175), or the Addison Plantation, as it is sometimes called, was a large agricultural plantation occupied from the early 18th through the early 20th centuries in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
  • Bennetts Point (18QU28)
    The Bennett’s Point (18QU28) collection comes from a colonial period tobacco plantation located in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.
  • Banneker (18BA282)
    The Banneker Site (18BA282) is the 18th-century home of Benjamin Banneker in Baltimore County, Maryland.
  • Sotterley Slave Cabin (18ST54)
    The Sotterley Slave Cabin (18ST54) is a standing African American slave and tenant dwelling built between 1830 and 1850 at Sotterley Plantation in St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
  • Sukeeks Cabin (18CV426)
    The Sukeek’s Cabin Site (18CV426) is a late 19th through early 20th-century African American domestic occupation located on a ridge above Mackall Cove at the eastern margin of Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum (JPPM) in Calvert County, Maryland.
  • Harford Furnace (18HA148)
    The Harford Furnace Site (18HA148) was an iron furnace that operated in Harford County, Maryland in the 19th century.
  • Gott's Court (18AP52)
    The Gott’s Court Site (18AP52) is an 18th- and 19th-century commercial district and 20th-century African American enclave in Annapolis, Maryland.
  • Mechanic Street (18AG206)
    The Mechanic Street Site (18AG206) contained four house lots from a mixed working-class and middle-class neighborhood occupied from c.1813 until c.1913 in Cumberland, Maryland.
  • Fischer (18AN500)
    The Fischer Site (18AN500) is a late 19th - through early 20th- century African- American tenant family residence in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The site also contains prehistoric transient hunting camp used from the Late Archaic through the Late Woodland periods.
  • Catoctin Furnace, Foundry Site (18FR320)
    Catoctin Furnace is a group of archaeological sites associated with a 10,000-acre iron working furnace complex dating from the late 18th and 19th centuries in Frederick County, Maryland. The Catoctin Furnace Foundry Site is the location of a late 18th-19th-century iron furnace.
  • Catoctin Furnace, Bathhouse/Springhouse/Raceway (18FR321)
    Catoctin Furnace is a group of archaeological sites associated with a 10,000-acre iron working furnace complex dating from the late 18th and 19th centuries in Frederick County, Maryland. The Catoctin Furnace Bathhouse/Springhouse/Raceway Site is a 19th-century structure associated with a spring near the Auburn Mansion.
  • Catoctin Furnace, Renner Burial (18FR323)
    Catoctin Furnace is a group of archaeological sites associated with a 10,000-acre iron working furnace complex dating from the late 18th and 19th centuries in Frederick County, Maryland. The Renner Burial Site (18FR323) is an unmarked, late 18th through early 19th-century African-American cemetery in Frederick County, Maryland.
  • Catoctin Furnace, Carty House (18FR324)
    Catoctin Furnace is a group of archaeological sites associated with a 10,000-acre iron working furnace complex dating from the late 18th and 19th centuries in Frederick County, Maryland. The Carty House Site is a 19th-century dwelling for one of the iron workers at the Catoctin Iron Furnace.
  • Simpsonville Mill (18HO80)
    The Simpsonville Mill Site (18HO80) is a late 18th- through early 20th-century mill town on the Middle Patuxent River in Howard County, Maryland.
  • Howard-McHenry Mill (18BA100)
    Howard-McHenry Mill (18BA100) was the site of an early to late 19th-century mill and tenancy complex owned by Cornelius Howard and James Howard McHenry in Baltimore County, Maryland.
  • Pawley Kiln (18BC88)
    Pawley Kiln (18BC88) was the site of James Pawley’s stoneware pottery kiln, which operated between 1838 and 1845 in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Fort Frederick (18WA20)
    Fort Frederick (18WA20) is a surviving stone-walled fort built between 1756 and 1758 in Washington County, Maryland.
  • Point Lookout (18ST61)
    The Point Lookout Site (18ST61) is the location of the Point Lookout Lighthouse and the Civil War-era United States General Hospital in St. Mary’s County, Maryland.

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An online archive of over 30 archaeological sites in Maryland, produced by the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab with the support of the National Endowment of the Humanities.