Elm (Ulmus spp./Ulmaceae). The
genus Elm (Ulmus spp.) has about 45 species that grow in Asia,
Europe and the Mediterranean region and all of the New World.
All species are identical microscopically.
In the U.S., elms are native to the eastern and Midwest United
States. The trees can attain heights of 100 ft with diameters
of 3 ft. Elm sapwood is off white, and the heartwood is light
brown to reddish brown. Elm is medium with respect to weight,
hardness and stiffness and excellent bending strength and resistance
to shock. It has interlocked grain, making it difficult to split.
It is slightly to nonresistant to decay. It is used for baskets,
boxes, caskets, cheese boxes, crates, furniture, hockey sticks,
pulp and paper manufacture, slack cooperage, and veneer.
Characteristics found in the Elm (Ulmus
- Ring Porous
- Latewood Pattern Ulmiform (wavy bands)
- Spirals in vessels
- Simple perforations
- I/V pits medium to large (8-50)
- Rays 1-8 seriate & homocellular
- Crystals in axial parenchyma
Click on each image to view a larger
Cross-section of Elm (Ulmus sp.)
Showing growth ring boundary
and ulmiform latewood. |
Cross-section of Elm (Ulmus sp.)
thick fibers, rays and
ulmiform latewood vessels. |