(Platanus occidentalis /Platanaceae). The genus Platanus, also known as buttonwood or plane tree, is
composed of about 8 species native to Eastern Europe, western
Asia and North America. All species
are identical at the cellular level. The British term “sycamore”
refers to a species in the hard maple group (Acer pseudoplatanus),
and plane tree is used for Platanus that grows there. Platanus occidentalis grows naturally in entire the eastern
United States, usually in wet areas near rivers or streams. Platanus
trees reach heights of 120 ft with diameters of over 3 ft. Platanus
sapwood light tan to light yellow, with dark brown heartwood.
The wood is classified as moderate in most physical and mechanical
properties. It is similar to Willow in most properties and applications.
It is used for boxes, containers, flooring, furniture (especially
drawer sides), millwork, pallets, paper, particleboard, plywood,
pulp wood, and veneer.
Characteristics found in the Sycamore
(Platanus spp.):
- Diffuse Porous
- Simple perforations
- I/V pits variable (2-12)
- Wide rays (< 15 seriate) & homocellular
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