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Projectile Points
Image of 3 different types of Maryland projectile points.
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  the lower end of a projectile point, where it attaches to a haft.  There are several common projectile point base shapes.

Straight: the base is flat
Concave:  the base is indented
Convex: the base protrudes

Blade:  that part of a projectile point above the hafted stem area.

Hafted area:  the portion of a projectile point secured to a spear, dart, arrow, knife, or drill.

Notch:  an indentation on the sides of the blade or at the corners of the base.  Native Americans notched projectile points to create a way to attach them to spears, darts, arrows, knives, or drills.

Projectile Point: a bifacially-flaked tool that is used as the tip of a spear, dart, arrow, knife, or drill.

Stem: hafted area of a projectile point.  There are several common stem shapes:

Bifurcate: a stem that is notched at the base.
a stem with sides that converge towards the base.
Corner Notched:
a stem that is notched at the corner.
a stem that widens toward the base.
Side Notched:
a stem that is notched on the side.
Square: a stem with parallel sides.

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Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab Updated: 12/30/12

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