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Projectile Points
Image of 3 different types of Maryland projectile points.
How to Cite this Website


The creation of the Projectile Points section of the Diagnostic Artifacts in Maryland web site was initiated by the former Director of Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, Michael Smolek. He secured a generous grant for the project from the Board of Trustees of the Maryland Historical Trust. This funding enabled us to hire Keith Egloff as the project coordinator. Keith created type descriptions and other pages that were based on ones he had developed for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources ( archaeo_lpc.htm). He also selected examples of point types to use as illustrations on the web site. Edward Chaney and Patricia Samford of the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab then expanded and revised Keith’s type descriptions, and added Maryland-specific content. Dennis Curry, Maureen Kavanagh, and Charles Hall of the Maryland Historical Trust helped to develop the basic layout of the web site, and Dennis joined Carol Ebright of the Maryland State Highway Administration in very generously agreeing to review the many pages of text, providing invaluable suggestions that greatly improved the final product. Charlie Hall helped select some of the points illustrated on the website, and provided scanned images for specimens which were not present in the MAC Lab’s collections. Carol Ebright spent an entire day at the Lab carefully going through hundreds of bags of artifacts looking for good examples of point types. The Archeological Society of Maryland and its President, Claude Bowen, graciously allowed us to include drawings of the Adena points from the West River site, which are owned by ASM, and Al Luckenbach of the Lost Towns Project provided photos of points from the Pig Point site. We thank all of these individuals and institutions for kindly donating so much of their time to improve the project.

A number of MAC Lab staff played vital roles in developing the Projectile Points web pages. Sharon Raftery, Lab Administrative Assistant, designed the site, and spent many hours patiently revising it as new content was developed. The Curator of State Collections, Rebecca Morehouse, and Collections Assistant Erin Wingfield went through the Lab’s holdings to find the projectile points that illustrate the web pages. Lab Conservator Caitlin Shaffer took the wonderful photographs of the points, and Alex Glass skillfully drew the Adena and Hardaway Side Notched examples.

Small image of projectile points with words saying "Projectile Point Home Page," that will link you back to the Projectile Points introduction.

Maryland's Prehistory

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Copyright © 2002 by
Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab Updated: 12/30/12

Maryland Department of Planning logo links to the MDP website

Links back to the introduction page of Maryland Projectile Points.